
AI Chat Search Bots For Your Team

Upload documents or link data to create your unique Particle. Engage with an AI-powered chatbot, share insights, and foster collaboration with your team.

Create a Particle for California Building Codes by adding PDF’s and training the AI on its content. You can customize the prompt and retrieval settings, share the Particle with a team, and embed it into any website!

This chatbot was trained on a document explaining Particlesy

You can embed a widget like this on any page on your website!

If you can't find your question, email

What is Particlesy?

Particlesy is a mobile and web app that allows you to create, share, and interact with customizable “Particles” – shared folders of various file types. 

What should my data look like?

Particlesy supports a variety of file formats, including PDF, PNG, and JPG.  Particlesy will automatically OCR images and understands handwriting.

Can I share a chatbot I created?

Yes, you can share a chatbot you’ve created with other users or groups in the Particlesy app by adding their email in the Members tab of your Particle.

How can I add a chatbot to my website?

To add your Particlesy chatbot to your website, you would need to Publish your particle from the web app and then embed it into your website code.